EMi, Emprego Intelixente, is a technological tool implemented in all employment offices in Galicia that combines data, knowledge and analytics to help improve the quality of the service provided by Emprego Galicia, Galicia’s Public Employment Service.
EMi combines previous capabilities of leveraging historical training and work experience with a new approach based on understanding people, companies, and policies through a common language: the competencies and skills offered and demanded. Through this competency-based management model, market vision, generation of digital services, and application of AI, more information is provided to career counselors so they can improve their recommendations, helping job seekers and companies make better decisions.
EMi's mission is to offer more and better information to the different agents involved in the labour market (guidance counsellors, job seekers, companies...). At no time does it replace the existing one, nor does it eliminate the decision-making process of these agents in relation to it (what information is offered, what options are chosen...).
The tool improves every day by learning from the anonymous choices of its users, so it can give better suggestions and make operations easier. But it will always be extra information that users of the tool can use with their own judgment and decisions.
EMI is in the process of development and expects to have many more utilities soon in order to improve the quality of Emprego Galicia's service
Transparency: After a meeting with the guidance counsellor, the job seeker will have at his/her disposal (on paper or by e-mail) the result of the competency profiling process, among other useful information. It is foreseen that, in future versions, the applicant will be able to access and edit the profile and even create CVs adapted to the job offers with the help of a virtual assistant.
Advantages for job seekers
- Acquire a broad knowledge of their current competences and the various possibilities they provide for accessing alternative occupations to those derived directly from their work experience or training.
- Know what skills they need to acquire in order to improve their chances of getting a job in the professions they are interested in.
- Obtain precise information on training actions to acquire new skills (what they are and where they are provided) or to reinforce existing ones so that they can improve their.
- Obtain up-to-date information on the labour market (offers, job seekers, recruitments...) and predictions made with artificial intelligence in the territorial area of their interest in relation to their target occupations.
- Know the name of the companies that are hiring the most in that territory for each of these occupations.
Advantages for companies
- To increase the pool of possible applicants for the job opening, especially in those fields that are harder to hire for, by assessing their skills rather than just their experience or education.
- To match their needs better with a training offer that identifies the specific skills that are missing or most wanted by companies at any time and place.
Advantages for Emprego Galicia professionals
- To have a tool that can be used to provide more options and information to job seekers and employers and thus help them to make more informed decisions.
- To be able to provide a more personalised, agile and efficient guidance service to users.
Advantages for the Administration
- Supporting the inclusion of people who face more challenges in the labour market by providing more opportunities for employment and training.
- Improve the competitiveness of enterprises and promote economic progress by facilitating the connection between talent supply and demand.
- Optimise Active Employment Policies by having more and better information on the labour market, its needs, shortages, prospects, etc. at territorial and sectoral level.
- Identify training gaps to be planned as a top priority in each region based on the skills needed and the data of the people assessed in that location.